Saturday, April 18, 2009

A brief history

My life has been very interesting so far. I'm glad I've had the experiences I've had so far. Sometimes it might have been better for me if my life had been different, but since my life is the way it is, there's some satisfaction that I will have by working even harder to reach my goals. Sometimes I lack the motivation, and sometimes I can't seem to get leverage on myself.

My girlfriend of 1-month recently broke up with me. This was the first relationship I've been in. She said that she wasn't ready for a relationship, and while she still wants to see me, and make out with me, she can't commit to more. This was a great learning experience for me. I'm in my mid-twenties, so I should have started earlier, right? Well, for me, my whole road to success in all areas of my life started somewhat late. I guess I just wasn't conscious of where I wanted to go. I still have trouble with motivation even though I have an idea of where I want to go. This breakup had left me with a lot less motivation, but then I read something on someone's blog that said something along the lines of, to paraphrase, 'Think about how many experiences you've had in your lifetime, and make a chart with how much that relationship took out of your whole life. You will see that you have your whole life ahead of you, and because you're the type that wants to improve, you will learn from this experience and be a better person for it the next time around.'

I have so many things to talk about in this blog and I will try to make it relevant to the original topic. I want to write a brief history, but at the same time, this blog isn't really about my past. This blog is about my future.

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